mobile app pen testing methodology

Tests for Mobile App Penetration in Singapore

What is Penetration Testing for Mobile Apps, and how does it work?

Testing for vulnerabilities in a mobile application’s cyber security posture is known as mobile applications penetration testing (also known as Mobile Penetration test, Mobile VAPT, or Mobile Pen Testing). This kind of evaluation is often required for iOS and Android apps. Singapore-based soft check Singapore provides a mobile app pen testing methodology.

App, communication, and the back-end server provide the primary attack surface for mobile security assessments.

  1. App

Reverse engineering, insufficient data storage security, etc

  1. Communication

SSL certificate pinning and other security measures not properly implemented might lead to security breaches.

Servers in the backend

  • Vulnerable server-side operations, faulty authentication, and other issues
  • Assessment of mobile application security using pen testing
  • The mobile application and its Application programming interface platform/web service should be examined for security holes.
  • Ascertain that the anticipated security safeguards are in place and functioning properly


The Open Web Security Project (OWASP Mobile) and our internal manual checklist, created in our Singapore research lab, are the foundations of our Mobile App Pen Testing process. Vulnerabilities in the mobile penetration test examination include but are not limited to

Improper session management

Data storage that isn’t safe. Examine the contents on mobile devices to detect sensitive information, such as

(a) Credentials stored on the system files;

(b) Credentials saved in memory; and

(c) Injection vulnerabilities;

(d) Untrusted inputs;

(e) Inadequate authorization and verification;

(f) Application logic problems. Weak server-side controls. Automated tools may be used to test and validate the outcomes of the business logic exposed.